The design, UI/UX, and front-end development by Justin Giovanetti

AWS Aces – Web Platform

AWS Aces

The wide adoption of Amazon Web Services (AWS) sparked a market in training for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification. For AWS Aces to capture a segment of this market, it was vital that their platform have a well-crafted user experience.

Delivered just that, a user-tested, quality assured experience focused on the user's speed of learning and retention of knowledge.

Leaving the minutiae of crafting the user experience to someone else allowed AWS Aces to keep attention on course material.

A responsive web app platform developed with Bootstrap and Angular. Toylike isometric styled illustrations centered on themes about technology, anchor the content and set the tone. Backend developed in Java and bound with Spring through a RESTful API.

  • Creative Direction
  • Design
  • Web App Development
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Vapiano for Segue Technologies

Website design for franchising the Vapiano restaurant in the United States.

Allowed Vapiano to have an online presence that reflects their posh, European style image, where dining is casual and lively, signature pizza and pasta is made-to-order, and taste is nothing short of the utmost concern.

Website designed in Photoshop, created in CSS/HTML/JS.

  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design

Primal Surf – Website

Primal Surf

Website for selling surfboards online. Custom developed software for syncing sales of surfboards sold online with sales sold in brick and mortar. Content management system for managing the website and e-commerce. Allowed customers to preview photos of surfboards in-stock, to place orders, and to have their order shipped across the world.

Custom content management system wired up with the FCKeditor and PHP. Task automation for syncing product data written as custom software in PHP. e-Commerce implemented with osCommerce.

  • Graphic Design
  • Software Development
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

Tempolates – Product and Website

(Element 9 Design)


Flash plugin for improving the timing of animation and motion graphics. Conception to completion and through to market.

Flash plugin built with C++, JSFL, and X/HTML.


Product website for selling Tempolates. Allowed users to tour, learn about, and purchase for download.

Authorized digital download implemented in PHP with Paypal. Website in PHP.

  • Brand and Product Development
  • Web Design
  • e-Commerce Development

Five Guys – Website

Five Guys for Segue Technologies

Brand franchise website design for company promotion and expansion. Allowed users to place orders online, find nearby stores, view the menu, and write reviews of the food.

Mockups and graphics produced in Illustrator and Photoshop.

  • Creative Direction
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design

Realms of Fantasy

Sovereign Media

Website for publishing a bimonthly fantasy fiction online magazine. Allowed users to read and post reviews on fantasy and sci-fi books, movies, and art.

Easily usable website with flare and atmosphere produced with a mixture of Flash and HTML. Layouts and graphics created in Photoshop.

  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

Danielle Stearns


A web presence which emanates the personal essence of the work by Danielle Stearns. Allowed Stearns to showcase her portfolio of creative work, which includes design for textiles, jewelry, and tableware.

Retro style treatment of photos produced with Photoshop filters batched as actions. Website designed in Photoshop with color palette created with Calculated Color Combinations.

  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

Coco and Buff – Website Intro Animation

Pixels and Points

Motion graphic website intro for wow factor. Allowed Coco and Buff to market a cutting edge identity.

Animation and motion graphics produced in Flash. Transitions timed perfectly to the music using the Tempolates Flash plugin.

  • Animation
  • Creative Direction
  • Motion Graphics

Team Diaz Entertainment – Website

Team Diaz Entertainment

Marketing website to showcase the portfolio of talent on Team Diaz Entertainment, a Miami-based entertainment agency. Allowed Diaz Entertainment to promote events and feature new artists, all managing of content themselves.

A custom configured CMS for posting feature spotlight artists and upcoming events, built on WordPress.

  • Web Design
  • Web Development